The Divine Spirit of Serenity
Portraits of the Spiritual Essence of our Beloved Heavenly Father and Mothers healing power of love within all people.
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
44 episodes
The Motherhood Character of Our Beloved Heavenly Father
The Motherhood Character of Our Beloved Heavenly Father. “When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible...
Season 1
Episode 2

My Valentines Reflection for The Month of February
A very tender welcome from the Lion of Judah Non-Denominational Church, our Podcasts the Divine Spirit of Serenity, My Reflections in the Key of C, and me Pr. Cristoforo Padula. This is our Valentines Reflection dedicated to you. Amen

My Reflection for the New Year
A very tender welcome to you from the Lion of Judah Non-Denomination Church, Our Podcast My Reflections in The Key of C, and me Pastor Cristoforo Padula. Happy New Year My Dear Ones with All My Heart.“When I despair, I remember...

My Reflection Upon Christmas
Dear Ones.These are my Musical Christmas Gifts to You and You Alone. Shalom Pr. Cristoforo Padula<...

The Story of Chanukah
A very tender welcome to you from the Lion of Judah Non-Denominational Church and me Pr. Cristoforo Padula. This is my Reflection upon the Holiday Chanukah. Shalom Pr. Cristoforo Padula.“When I despair,...

The Morning Prayer Of Jesus...The Modeh Ani
A very tender welcome from The Lion of Judah Non-Denominational Church and me Pr. Cristoforo Padula. This is my reflection upon. The Morning Prayer Of Jesus. The Modeh Ani. Amen. Shalom Pr. Cristoforo Padula“Wh...

One Family Forever Interconnected.
My reflection upon our being members of one family. Forever interconnected to all our brothers, sisters ,and to each child in this world....“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love ha...

The Words Of Senator Bernie Sanders
A very tender welcome to you from me Pr. Cristoforo Padula. May I request that you consider. I have dedicated my life as an advocate of peace, justice, equality, protection of all people. From exclusion, prejudice, the illness of addic...

A Matter of The Excellence of Character.
A very tender welcome from The Lion of Judah Non-Denominational Church, My Reflections in the Key of C ,and me Pastor. Cristoforo Padula This program is dedicated to. What matters above all party dedication and loyalty is that in...

Project 2025... Revealed
A very tender welcome to you from My Reflections In The Key Of C, the Lion of Judah Non-denominational Church and me Pastor. Cristoforo Padula This program is dedicated to. We the People Of The United States. In Order for our Government Of T...

The Current Robber Barons of Americas Democracy Revealed
A very tender welcome to you from My Reflections in the Key Of C, the Lion of Judah Non-denominational Church and me Pastor. Cristoforo Padula This program is dedicated to. We the People of The United States. In Order for our Government of T...

Amendment One of The United States...Principles VS Expediencies
A very tender welcome to you from My Reflections in the Key Of C, the Lion of Judah Non-denominational Church and me Pastor. Cristoforo Padula This program is dedicated to. We the People of The United States. In Order for our Government of T...

To Be Known As Human..That Is The Question
A very tender welcome from The Lion of Judah Non-Denominational Church and me Pr. Cristoforo Padula. This is my reflection upon. What Does It Mean To Be Known As A Huma...

A Million Dollars A Minute
A very tender welcome from The Lion of Judah Non-Denominational Church and me Pr. Cristoforo Padula. These are the words of Thom Hartmann, Talk Show Host and the author...

The Angels on the Kabbalah Tree of Life
A very tender welcome to you from The Lion of Judah Non-Denominational Church and me Pr. Cristoforo Padula. My reflection today is based upon an article called The Angels on the Kabbalah Tree of Life by Whitney Hopler. Shalom Pr. Cristoforo ...

Our Inner Essence
A very Tender welcome to you from the Lion of Judah Non-Denominational Church and me Pr. Cristoforo Padula. This is my reflection upon Our Inner Essence. Shalom Pr .Cristoforo Padula“When I despair, I r...

To Mr.Joe Biden The Elected President of The United States of America
A very tender welcome to you from My Reflections in The Key Of C, the Lion of Judah Non-denominational Church and me Pastor. Cristoforo Padula. This program is Dedicated to Mr. Joseph Biden...The Elected President of The United States of Ame...

The Power of Affirmation in Prayer.
This program is dedicated to the Loving Memory of the Mother and Father of Br. Peter Ngule. Praying in the Spirit of Grateful and Faithful Affirmation.Pr. Cristoforo Padula a Veteran of The Struggles for A New Day“Whe...

Through Loving Eyes
To remind you that you are ever precious and sacred in the heart of our, Beloved Heavenly Father and Mother and shall remain so for all eternity.“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and lo...
Season 1
Episode 3

Is Student Debt A Crime Against Americas Future
A very tender welcome from me Pr. Cristoforo Padula to you. These are the words of Tom Hartmann who is a celebrated author, radio, and television commentator. Of which The Lion Of Judah Non-Denominational Church, and I are in Full H...

My Prelude To: Is Student Debt A Crime Against Americas Future
A very tender welcome to you. From The Lion Of Judah Non-Denominational Church ,and me Pastor. Cristoforo Padula .May I request that you consider the words of. Chief Justice Earl Warrens statement. Concerning B...

The Supreme Vocation of Women
A very tender welcome from the Lion Of Judah Non-Denominational Church and me Pr. Cristoforo Padula. This reflection is based upon the Book The Supreme Vocation of Women by Melissa Maleski Shalom Pr. Cristoforo PadulaSt. Jude Children’s ...

The Penalty For Our Sins
A very tender welcome from The Lion of Judah Non-Denominational Church and me Pr. Cristoforo Padula. This is my reflection upon Jesus and the penalty for our sins. ...